Saturday, September 3, 2011

Billboard and Outdoor Advertsing News for Property Owners

Digital Billboard At Night

During the so called economic boom years, when the banks were giving away money, the billboard, or outdoor advertising industry, under went a major consolidation.

Big Billboard firms went on a wild spending spree purchasing smaller companies, and in my opinion, simply over-paid for these new assets. They took on massive debt to finance their purchases.

When the recent "recession - depression" hit all advertsing took a hit. Revenues dropped while operating expenses began to soar especially in the outdoor sector.

To dig out of this mess Big Billboard now think that the new "digital" billboards will save them. This new digital format is effective and is almost labor free as they don't require employees to change billboard advertising copy or maintain the lighting system.

This is not good news for billboard employees and is even worse news for for property owners leasing real estate to billboard companies


St Pretersburg, Fla. 8-18-
11. The St Peterburg Times reported that the city council rejected digital billboards.

The billlboard firms offer the city a deal, to remove 80 traditional billboards and replace them with 6 digital faces.

They also offered the City $2.1 million woth of free advertising space over 20 years for city public service announcements.

Big billboard offered to throw away 74 tradiional billboard sites for 6 digital ones.

The reason for the rejection was that residents of the community complained loud and clear at the City Council hearing stating, "digital boards were much brighter, more dangerous and very distracting for motorist and they greatly annoy near by homes."

Bill McInerney
(619) 816 3933

Trailer Billboards

L.Aa, CA. 9-2111. The state Assembly voted to approve bill that would give Los Angles officials more power to crack down on mobile billboard advertisers.

The bill also broadan the definition of a mobile billboard to include any device that transport a sign for the purpose of advertising.

Bill McInerney
(617) 816 3933

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The War Is On

Billboard, or outdoor advertising news,is sometimes difficult to come by for many property owners.

Recently and on 8-19-11 the St.Petersburg Times,of Fl., reported,"St.Pete council rejects digital billboards."

Yes, the war is on and you just might find yourself in the middle of the battlefield.

The newspaper reported that the city counsil rejected a "deal," to remove 80 traditional billboards and replace them with 6 digital billboard faces. Outdoor advertising wants the all digital boards because they cost much less to maintain labor-wise.

The "deal" also came with an offer of $2.1 million worth of advertising space over 20 years for city public service announcements!

In other words "big billboard" would throw 74 property owners under the bus!

But the billboard firms won in Tampa, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties and in South Pasadena.

The deal was rejected because local citizens complained, "digital billboards and more dangerous and distracting for motorists and annoying for nearby homes."

Yes, the war is on.

For now,

Bill McInerney
(617) 816 3933

It's been a long time!

Yes, it's been a long time but we're back. The new telephone number is
(617)816 3933. The best e mail at this time is

The billboard outdoor advertising industry and business is like all industries and businesses: under great stress because of the economcy and the financial markets.

For Now,
Bill MCInerney

About Me

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Outdoor Advertising Billboard Consultant with years of proven experience with proven expertise. Site location and permitting experience.


Bill McInerney
