Saturday, November 28, 2009

L.A. Billboard News

Recently a judge invalidated a 2006 agreement between the city of L.A. and two giant billboard players; CBS Outdoor and Clear Channell.

 The ruling indicates caution before converting from conventional billboards to the more modern, cheaper to operate, digital format

Property Owners and Property Managers: Does your billboard advertising  contract  or agreement allow billboard firms to convert, alter or change, any  billboard strucutre with, or without, your permission and full agreement?

Up in the air, in L.A.  is the fate of 101 billboards already converted.  The decision  will be up to the L.A. City Council.

Property owners  and property managers in L.A, who own and lease space, land or buildings,  to any billboard firm, and  especially those owners with a lease  renewal coming due soon, need to be extra alert and on their toes!  Another 800+ L.A.  billboards  are now in legal limbo.

Allow Bill McInerney assist you in your billboard-outdoor advertsing matters! As a  former big billboard insider he knows how to best assist proerty owners. Call him now at (617) 816-3933 or e mail:

Comprehenvise Outdoor-Billboard COnsulting Services for Proprty Owners.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Milwaukee TO Assess Billboards

The fight is on! 

City of Milwaudkee wants to  assess billboards in a different manner costing outdoor firms
$1.26 increase under new assessment plan. Clear Channel Outdoor a nd Lamar Outdoor fighting back. .

Clear Channells's tax bill was $110,000 per year and could be raised to $1.13 million.!  Assessors want bigger bite of the income pie.

Clear Channell is clealy unhappy as it now need every peeny in revenue to stay alive. Wall Street willbe watching this closely as shareholders are going to become very upset if CC's revenues drop even more than they have.

Proeprty owners everywhere  who lease locations to outboor-billboard firms now must be alert that outdoors firms don't   try to flip assessment tax to property owners.

Bill McInerney
617 816 3933


Thursday, November 26, 2009


'tis not a jolly season for outdoor advertising firms anywhere.

Expect some major Big Billboard firms to probably "burst" in 2010 or expect them to slowly sell off assets. 

Two major isues: declining demand for all advertising and a major, widening outdoor billboard "price-war " everywhere. It is global!

Rather that cut excessve managment operations such as excessively high office rents  or   fire incompetenent " family and buddy" connected  high-salary , do nothing,   executive employees,

Big Billboard   now wants propertyowners to  take the hit and "lower" land and building lease deals?   No way. 

Outdoor revenues may be down but this is a short term flu like illness, miserable but not fatal.

The good news is that global, well managed and very well financed outdoor-billboard firms  are ready to buy out some US firms.  They know value of prime locations.


11-25-09  Toronto, Canada. New proposed "Tax" on billboard advertising has  Out-of-Home Marketing Association of Canada fighting  back,  saying new tax will cost outdoor industry $8.8 million.

Property owners need to NOW make sure all leases make it clear ALL taxes to be paid by outdoor-billboard firms and not property owners.  Anticipate this concept, tax on outdoor advertising ,to go global soon.

Tax revenues are down everywhere & officials need new sources of quick income.

11-25-09 Washington D.C.  Clear Channell takes on city regulators and may have to take down illegal boards.  Who needs a fight like this? CC must be desperate for loot.
11-26-09 Swiss Outdoor Advertising group Afficharge selling Hungarian operation because of " lower demand and widing price war" in outdoor sector.  The factors of lower demand and the widing price war everywhere will make for major casulaties in 2010.
11-26-09. Social media  vs Outdoor. Zawya reports from Dubai : some firms do better with outdoor advertising  vs social media.   Facebook, Twitter etc are low, low cost and have pin-point one-to-one
audiance; outdoor is king of reaching the masses.
11-09. In case you haven't heard, NY judge may order removal of 600 "illegal billboards" from highways leading to and from the Big Apple.  Major financial hit for billboard firms and property owners.

Property owners: Keep a close watch on this case. Your site may have even more value down the road.

Big Billboard firms such as Clear Channell, CBS grossly overpaid for many of these "billboards"  just a few years ago and now may have to just throw them away. Stockholders will go wild.  Banks not happy will projected  loss of revenue as some billboard firms now deep in financial troubles.

11.26.09 Pakistan.   The outdoor industry is now  emerging strongly in Parkistan.


Is your outdoor-billboard agreement coming up for renewal soon?

Is your outdoor billboard tenant paying you enough rent for your prime real estate location?

Are you sure?  Does your land, building  lease or contact seem a bit one sided? 

I know what the ourdoor billboard firms don't want YOU to know!!

 Let me help you NOW with Big Billboard. BIll McInerney (617) 816 3933.
e mail

About Me

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Outdoor Advertising Billboard Consultant with years of proven experience with proven expertise. Site location and permitting experience.


Bill McInerney
