Monday, January 18, 2010


The global Outdoor Advertsing Billboard Business just got shocked out of it's mighty complancy!

The mighty digital billboard revolution has hit a major bump in the road of progess.  And it happened in a city  well known fpr "revolutions,"  namely Moskow, Russia!

Yes, Porn on a Billboard.    How would that fly in Peroria, St Louis, or even Boston? 

This was reported on 1-18/2010 by the Internet blog, The Hackers News Network."  and has been verified by several other sites including, OneIndia.

According to published reports, " An outdoor electronic or television billboard in Moskow was recently rigged to show porn duing rush hour. A massive trraffic jam occured. The porn was displaved for about 20 mniytes even thogu the operatin realized what happened after 3 minutes  The opetrator could nbot locate the "off swich or botton!"

Another source reported, "It was eitherr an act of holliganism o were from a rival company.(sic) " 
The incident occured on Friday, January 15, 2010.  Heads to roll in Moscow!!

I have not seen anyting thus far reported on US main media ineither  print or internet sites.

Tthe  rapidly growning number of NIMBY's who oppose Digital Billboards  anywhere will probably use this incident at public hearings  across the US for years to come.  Just thinbk of the public safety traffic issues??

Bill McInerney
Outdoor Advertising Billboard Consultant

PS.  I have numerous clients actively seeking viable billboard sites, anywhere,  on major highway, properly zoned, and with  high traffic counts and affluent demographics.  Callme now 617-816-3933   

Comprehenvise Outdoor-Billboard Consulting Services for Proprty Owners.

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Outdoor Advertising Billboard Consultant with years of proven experience with proven expertise. Site location and permitting experience.


Bill McInerney
